Unveiling of EDDOP at DHITS
We are proud to announce we will be unveiling the Enterprise-wide Data Driven Operations Platform (EDDOP) during the Defense Health Information Technology Symposium (DHITS) 2022!
Select SeKON team members will be the three-day conference, which hasn’t been held since 2019. DHITS hosts numerous government contractors, military personnel, and industry information technology professionals who share the Defense Health Agency’s (DHA) goal of transforming military health care. During this conference which facilitates innovation and collaboration of knowledge, we will unveil our new Enterprise-wide Data Driven Operations Platform (EDDOP). However, what is EDDOP?
Currently, leaders within DHA are looking for ways to improve patient outcomes with the most cost-effective methods possible. Everyone likes the idea of lowering expenses, especially in relation to healthcare services. EDDOP is SeKON’s solution to cut costs efficiently and effectively in the clinical and data management fields of Military Health Systems (MHS) markets.
Darren Collins, Department of Defense Healthcare Management System Modernization (DHMSM) Systems Engineer/Deputy Program Manager and SeKON’s Lead Solution Architect, is one of our team members attending DHITS. Having experience and knowledge of MHS markets and DHA, Darren is helping to guide the production and implementation of EDDOP. It is a deep learning data platform for driving increased clinical operational efficiency across the MHS markets; and acts as a single, true enterprise data platform that unifies data, analytics, and modeling for optimized operational decision making and multi-modal use.
Why choose the EDDOP solution? Here are just a few reasons that make EDDOP your best option:
- Anywhere, anytime, any device, any technology/tool access
- SaaS and On-Premise Deployment Options
- End-to-end data Traceability, Lineage, and Ontology from ingest to delivery
- Built-in data Governance and Security models for role/attribute-based and context sensitive access
- A common operating platform for the Enterprise, MHS Markets, MTFs, R&D, Medical Combat Support, and TRICARE
- Optimized data-driven operational decisions, measures outcomes vs. spending, and aligns the QPP with the Director’s priorities
- Full use of decision feedback loop to become a true Intelligent Learning System
Therefore, EDDOP is SeKON’s solution to lowering clinical operation expenses because it is built on proven industry solutions and open-source technologies to maximize interoperability at the lowest possible total cost of ownership.
For more information check out the downloadable articles located in the side bar under Key Features of EDDOP.