SeKON’ference Corner: Virtual Edition
LPDH Leidos-led MHS GENESIS Event
This event brought the MHS GENESIS Leidos Partnership for Defense Health industry executives together for a 90-minute exclusive discussion focused on What’s Working, Areas of Expansion, and New Opportunities for industry.
CMS Industry Day
This event focused on reducing barriers to communication and provide opportunities for learning more about, and engaging with, CMS Acquisition, Procurement and Contracting personnel. Sessions included a variety of topics such as Contracting, Doing Business with CMS, Procurement Forecasting, Large Business Mentoring, Grants and Cost Reimbursement Contracting. CMS provides direction and technical guidance for the administration of the Federal effort to plan, develop, manage, and evaluate health care financing programs and policies. To this end, CMS needs to procure a wide range of supplies and services to support programs in R&D, consultant services, utilization of health services, health quality and standards, computer programming, etc.
MHS Enterprise IT Services (EITSI)
SeKON has joined a team in pursuit of EITSI, an opportunity to transform MHS IT services. MHS leadership discussed contract requirements to deliver standardized sustainment processes, enable organizational agility to meet evolving mission demands, drive innovation to directly increase operational efficiency, enable common services between disparate support teams, and standardize processes and realign workflow to reduce cost.
VA Healthcare 2020
The Veterans Affairs Healthcare Digital Summit was an industry-wide staple for those supporting the VA’s mission set. Firms across the military, government, private health, academia, and consultant communities gathered with VA executives to discuss needs and opportunities to improve health, access, and to deliver for our Veterans. Customer Service, The Mission Act Implementation, Replacing the Gaining Electronic Health Record (EHR), and Focus on VA Business System Transformation were all initiatives being discussed with a focus on bringing positive and enduring outcomes for the Veterans they serve and their families.
Reverse Industry Day with VA
The Reverse Industry Day provided a forum for Industry Leaders to interact with the Acquisition Offices of the Department of Veterans Affairs. The focus was on Myth-Busting #4 – Strengthening Engagement with Industry Partners through Innovative Business Practices and the RFI – Sources Sought – Industry Engagement process.
FEHRM DoD/VA Industry Interoperability Roundtable Interoperability Resources Bridging the Gaps in Care
Speakers from the DoD and VA discussed project updates and encouraged industry discussion around interoperability influences on delivering quality patient care. Topics included DoD and VA Modernization and updates on health data sharing to promote quality patient care.