SeKON is “ON”
SeKON has done it again!
We ended 2020 with the major achievement of becoming ISO-9001 2015 Certified. Today, we are pleased to announce that SeKON has renewed its Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level 3 certification.
CMMI is an international standard developed by Carnegie Mellon University that is used to measure the maturity of a company’s business processes. SeKON first achieved CMMI Level 3 in 2015.
Led by our colleague Valerie Sayd, your SeKON CMMI Team (Jimmie Zoller, Shirley Arvey, Jerry Parsons Darren Collins, Lou Hampton, Sanchon Jackson, Cameron Kirby, LeRoy Purdie, Saher Javed, Ooha Arvapalli, Mark Fiery and Dave Wellborn) prepared well to demonstrate to the CMMI Institute auditors that we have maintained the high standards of CMMI Level 3 since 2015.
After an intense 4-day long audit process by the CMMI certifiers, our folks aced it!
SeKON’ s recertification in addition to the ISO-9001-2015 certification that we already hold, exhibits our company’s commitment to providing consistent, predictable, and high-quality service to our customers and their respective missions. This level of proven commitment gives SeKON a competitive edge.
Many thanks to Valerie Sayd and her team for their tireless efforts and professionalism in achieving this very important recertification of CMMI Level 3.