SAMHSA Scores Big!
The SeKON Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) team was recently awarded Option Year 2 with all optional tasks exercised. The execution of all the optional tasks has increased funding by 21% from Option Year 1. With this great news we want to reflect on the SAMHSA teams biggest accomplishments over the past few months. The Technical Support team officially migrated the SAMHSA blog over to the SAMHSA.gov webpage as well as updating the site from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9.
The UX/UI team has been tasked with a complete site redesign as part of SAMHSA Interactive Design Experience Review (SIDER) SAMHSA 2022 project which will continue to be a work in progress throughout Option Year 2. The UX/UI team completed an initial discovery phase, Google Analytics analysis, and created several new homepage wireframes and high-fidelity mockups for the new SAMHSA 2022 site.
To assist with design, collaboration, and usability studies; we added some new cool tools – Axure, Zeplin, and Loop 11. The UX/UI team also created several new designs of the current SAMHSA homepage to rollout in the next month.
The QA team has seen consistently high Site Improve accessibility scores with the most recent overall score being a 93.9%. The QA team has created Selenium automated test scripts, which has significantly reduced the smoke testing times for deployments. The O&M Content Team within the past year has notably completed over 1,000 requests, responded to over 1,000 requests from the public, and imported and published over 3,000 grant awards.
As the Option Year 2 has officially begun for the SAMHSA team we look forward to having many more big accomplishments. While the SAMHSA team is welcomed into Option Year 2, we also extend a warm welcome to our newest additions, Carmen Baldwin,Dan Stump, and Niels Nielson. The SeKON SAMHSA team is looking forward to another successful year of work.