ISO 9001 Certification
They said that it couldn’t be done in time, but SeKON did it!
SeKON Enterprise, Inc. has achieved ISO-9001-2015 certification. Led by our colleague Dave Wellborn, our SeKON Headquarters Team has worked endless hours in addition to working their “day jobs” to achieve this most important certification milestone for us.
Achieving ISO-9001 Certification will provide SeKON a higher level of prestige and special consideration when competing for future contracts.
Many thanks to Dave Wellborn, Allison Bradbury, David Slingbaum, Randy Waddy, Amith Ratnavibhushana, Cameron Kirby, Brian Pariroo, Theodora Petrakis, Dwight Decoskey, Claude Crocker and Brittany Watson for making the impossible possible.
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems – Requirements