ISO Audit: Rare & Exceptional
Having successfully completed a Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) appraisal in June, our SeKON Quality Team scored another huge success last month. They completed our annual International Organization for Standardization (ISO) audit.
The ISO audits are tough, and the process can be grueling. Weeks of preparation are required. The audit itself takes all day as documents are presented upon demand to the auditors and our colleagues answer pointed questions from the audit team.
Our SeKON colleagues nailed the audit!
Noting that he had never seen the requirements implemented in the way SeKON has done, the senior and experienced lead auditor told our folks “Your ISO implementation is rare and exceptional, and I have done many audits for companies large and small.”
Achieving CMMI and maintaining ISO are important accomplishments that keep SeKON among the top performers in our industry.
Congratulations to our Quality Team and our audit participants! Another job well done!
Thank you for your diligence and hard work!